House Mouse
House Mouse–Identify damage
Droppings, gnaw marks, and urine odors are just a few signs of mice activity. If you see any of these signs, check out how our products can help.
Droppings are the most commonly encountered evidence of rodent activity. Even a small mouse infestation can produce literally thousands of droppings in a short period of time.
An adult house mouse typically produces 50 to 75 droppings per day. These fecal pellets are usually dark-colored, ¼ inch in length, and pointed at both ends.
Gnaw Marks
Evidence of recent gnawing is an excellent sign for determining the presence of mice.
Besides chewing wires, mice gnaw on plastic items, wood, corners of cereal boxes and bags. Additionally, they will shred paper for nests from books and paper towels.
Mouse damage holes are typically small, clean-cut holes about ½ inch in diameter.
Sounds & Odors
Evidence of recent gnawing is an excellent sign for determining the presence of mice. Besides chewing wires, mice gnaw on plastic items, wood, corners of cereal boxes and bags. Additionally, they will shred paper for nests from books and paper towels. Mouse damage holes are typically small, clean-cut holes about ½ inch in diameter.