Norway Rat

Norway Rat

Norway Rat–Baits

They spread diseases as they eat and contaminate food. They damage property by gnawing and burrowing. A half-inch opening is all they require to gain access to your home. They can eat nearly any type of food but prefer meat and fresh grain.

Tired of empty rat traps? Bait that is missing? Discover the best rat bait to use to catch a rat. Get rid of those filthy rats with Victor®’s best rat trap bait suggestions.

Do you have a rat trap and need to know what the best rat bait options are? Victor® Rat Control recommends the following rat baits to attract Norway Rats.

Victor® recommends these baits to Attract mice:

Peanut butter

Peanut butter





Dried Fruit

Dried Fruit

Gum drops

Gum drops

Nesting materials such as dental floss, yarn or twine

Nesting materials such as dental floss, yarn or twine

Thin slice of hot dog

Thin slice of hot dog

Tying the rat bait to the trigger will prevent the rodent from licking or nibbling the bait and stealing it without setting off the trap. For rat baits that cannot be tied (e.g. peanut butter), it's best to use small amounts.

Remember, some rats are harder to catch and are neophobic or "extra cautious" of new objects that suddenly appear in their environment. Some rats can be extra cautious so leave an unset rat trap out for a few days before setting it with rat trap bait. This will give the rat a chance to become accustomed to it and to be caught by it.


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