


If you want to control moles, the best way to do it is by taking a comprehensive approach. This means that you should use multiple methods together to maximize your chances of success. To get rid of moles, try following this proactive routine: trap and repel.



Mole traps are effective because a mole's instinct is to open obstructed passageways. It’s important to deploy traps as soon as mole activity is detected, so you can get the problem under control before serious damage occurs. The key to successfully catching moles is to make sure the traps are placed in active tunnels or mounds. To locate an active tunnel, flatten the tunnels by walking on them and then wait a day. If the tunnel gets repaired, it's active.

Trapping can be done at any time of year but generally is most effective during the spring and fall. For best results, use at least three to five traps per acre. It is important to check each trap once or twice every day. When used correctly, a trap can quickly produce a catch.



The next step is to implement repellents. One option is to use ultrasonic mole repellers that penetrate the ground with high frequency sound waves every 30 seconds. This approach works because moles are extremely sensitive to sounds and vibrations, so these devices discourage them from remaining on or returning to your property.

Another option is to use liquid or granular repellents that target the moles' senses. These repellents use ingredients like castor oil to make the tunnel taste and smell unpleasant to burrowing pests. It's important to remember that repellents work best when used in conjunction with traps. Once the problem is under control, it's recommended to continue using repellents to prevent moles from returning.


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