Myths About Moles
Moles are Rodents
Moles are not rodents. They belong to the group of mammals known as insectivores. These mysterious mammals are about six to eight inches long and weigh only three to five ounces - which is pretty darn small when you consider the amount of destruction they're capable of. Though beauty is in the eye of the beholder, most people would agree that moles are not very cute. Their pointed snouts and enlarged, webbed front feet with short claws may have something to do with that.
Moles sleep all day and only come out at night
It's commonly mistaken that moles are nocturnal creatures. This probably has something to do with looking out our windows in the morning and observing fresh mole hills that seemingly appeared out of nowhere while we slept. In reality, moles are active during the day and night, though they tend to be more active when all is quiet. When they feel vibrations from sonic spikes or from people stomping around, they tend to cease their digging and move to a more hospitable environment. Like your next door neighbor's yard.
Moles hibernate in the winter
Contrary to popular belief, moles do not hibernate when it's cold outside because they are unable to store fat on their bodies. Instead, they follow earthworms deep into the ground to stay warm and well-fed during the cold winter months. They patiently lie in wait until warm weather returns and re-emerge like clockwork to continue their vicious cycle of wreaking havoc on yards and gardens everywhere.
Juicy Fruit gum kills moles
Urban legends abound on how to kill moles with Juicy Fruit gum. We'd like to know who came up with this useless bit of folklore. Seriously, folks, don't waste your time and energy trying to choke moles with gum. Just because you have moles in your yard does not mean that you've lost your common sense.
I have moles, therefore I have grubs
Moles eat lots of stuff (they consume from 70% to 100% of their weight each day), including earthworms, insects and grubs they find in the soil. Earthworms are their favorite entrée making up 85% of their diet. A smaller part of their diet consists of various seed and vegetable matter. So, bottom line, just because you have moles does not mean you have grubs.