Victor® Snake-A-Way® contains a unique formula that is third-party tested and effective against even the toughest snakes. This long-lasting snake repellent can be used to repel rattlesnakes and garter snakes from areas around houses, cabins, trailers, garages, flowerbeds, and more.
Sends Snakes Scurrying
Snake-A-Way®’s unique formula works to temporarily disrupt the snake’s Jacobson’s Organ (auxiliary olfactory sense organ), on which a snake relies for its survival. This successfully causes a snake to become disoriented, forcing it to retreat in search of fresh air.
Easy Application
Wearing gloves, spread Snake-A-Way® granules along the perimeter of the area you want to protect to create a long-lasting snake barrier. Once applied, the formula starts working, and lasts until the scent dissipates. To repel rattle snakes, sprinkle in bands 8-12 inches wide, and to repel garter snakes, sprinkle Snake-A-Way® in bands 4-5 inches wide.
EPA Registered Snake Repellent
Snake-A-Way® is EPA registered which means, when used as directed, it will not have adverse effects on humans or the environment.
Do you want to know more helpful details about the Victor® Snake-A-Way® Snake Repellent Granular? Take a closer look at the in-depth specifications for this product.
I purchased a 10lb bag of snake away from home-depot. I used as directed from the bag & let me tell you, it was not pleasant. Myself, Wife (who's pregnant), & my son lives in a small 1000ft square ft house. I used in the yard & around the perimeter of the house & the smell was so strong. We have been smelling it for weeks. When the wind shifts the smell blows into the crawls space and then sneaks into the house.
I have tried vacuuming, & spraying water on the granules for weeks. (which help a little). I just want the smell gone. Bad purchase for me and I am not sure if it worked.
Have been using this for years around my house, yes the smell can penetrate the house the first day or two so you should avoid spreading it too close to your house entrances, give it some room and you won't have any problems. The smell goes away after a day or two. Not a big deal. Rather deal with the smell than with the snakes!
I spread the granules as directed around the patio as that is where the two brown checked colored snakes live and sun themselves. Next day plus they were sunning themselves on the perimeter of patio near their holes. And, now several days and they are still here.
Thank you for this feedback. We apologize; however, this product is not recommended to be placed in areas where snakes are already present as they may be unwilling to leave or cross the treated area.
I don't recommend this product
Placed product around perimeter of ...
Sep 6, 2022
Placed product around perimeter of our house. An Intense, terrible smell permeated into the house. So much so we were afraid to be in the house. We are trying to contact company to see if there is a way to neutralize the product. It can not be removed as we have decorative stones around the house
We are sorry to hear about this! Vacuuming with a shop vac is the best way to clean up the product. After that, you can then water it down to help break it down faster. The product is covered under a 30-day return policy. Please give us a call at 855-584-2867 for assistance.
I recommend this product
This stuff really works, but ...
Aug 18, 2022
This stuff really works, but there is a big however. We have monsoon rains and it gets washed away, and then the rattle snakes come out. That is where shot shells become useful. If it rains for several days in a row, it is futile to put down more snake away, until there is a dry spell. When it is dry, the snake away is not affected by winds, and works very well at repelling rattlesnakes.
We have a garter snake nest under my raised garden. I sprinkled it around three sides and snakes immediately started pouring out! Our dogs were also repelled by the scent and stayed away.
I live in a rural wooded area in the mountains and around water. This is a must to keep snakes out of my yard to protect my dogs. Victor pest gets 5 stars for fast shipping a great prices.
The label says not to use where snakes are already present. Why not?
Question by: Patricia Coggins on Jun 27, 2021, 8:00 PM
We do not recommend use this product in sites where snakes are believed to already be present as the deterrent effects of the product might tend to confine snakes to the treated areas.
Answer by: Woodstream (Admin) on Jun 29, 2021, 8:00 PM
How much do i need for 1200 linear feet
Question by: Joe on Dec 17, 2024, 2:51 PM
Hi based on the information that we have you have to use the product in bands of 8 to12 inches
Answer by: Victor (Admin) on Dec 23, 2024, 11:02 AM
What happens if my dog eats snake away
Question by: Jasper Wilson on Dec 1, 2024, 5:34 PM
Thank you for reaching out. If your dog accidentally ingests Snake Away, it is important to take immediate action to ensure their safety. Please follow these steps:
Contact Poison Control or a Veterinarian Immediately – Call a poison control center or your veterinarian as soon as possible for treatment advice.
If Your Dog Can Swallow – Have them drink water if they are able to do so.
Do Not Induce Vomiting – Only induce vomiting if directed to do so by poison control or a doctor.
Answer by: Kimberly (Admin) on Dec 2, 2024, 10:16 AM
Is it safe with dogs?
Question by: Jennifer Swander on Jun 7, 2023, 12:22 PM
We recommend keeping pets away from treated areas.
Answer by: Lauren Potter (Admin) on Jun 7, 2023, 1:10 PM