Tips and Strategies
You can win the war against rodents! Using the sanitation tips and exclusion strategies below, you can locate the enemy, win the battle and prevent future invasions!
ID Your Problem
Have you inspected your home for signs of a rodent infestation? Descriptions of the various signs you may encounter when inspecting your home are detailed in this section.
Rodent Proof Your Home
If you think you may have a rodent in your home or yard, these sanitation and exclusion strategies may be able to help you combat the infestation and prevent future ones.
Inspection Checks
Printable checklists and an overview of high-activity areas inside and outside your home will help you to focus your trapping and rodent proofing efforts. Let us help you outsmart your pests!
Here is a list of the most frequently asked questions in rodent control to help you find answers quickly. If there are any questions you have that we don't answer, please contact us.